Thursday, February 23, 2012

a poem i wrote this evenin

i'm distracted by the television show
wanting to see an outcome i wish in my own life
this causes one strife thru life decisions
we focus on let downs- the knife's first incision.
try, with precision, to make sense the situation
puts a box around thoughts made of sentences and language
giving rules and regulations to the natural way.
"im confused as fuck in the head, i'll just
think, do, and be like they say."
when the movie ends like you wished
you're now 'right' but you missed
all things could be learning
but you checked out a bit early
to show what you know- that you knew all along!
you dreamt all the words that were sang in that song!
"I'm not wrong!"

we desire and dream alike cuz we're all the same light.
comparing to a thought up world?
i feel, is far from right.
life is a world that we all make go round
your world is your world
feel taste smell see and sound
dont box yourself in
with no taste - based off 'sin'
live open and win

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