Monday, February 27, 2012

coupl months old

why cant we just be people
not off just str@nj
like i been here before
still waitin for a ride
was supposed to be here at 4-
no i live for today and for me
thats a lie and probably
why im feelin this way
why im feelin this way
" you stopped loving me(i)
how you stopped needin me(i)
when she came along-" woa.
--- quoted Patsy Cline cuz she kinda really knows

not anybody
fingers like juice
got my corner
my beats
defs feelin loose
got a smile on my mind 
not a memory 
but a piece of me
a filter for the output
a presence
a quilt
that incubates my brain
its a comfy
warm insanity whos
brilliance fixes everything.
by knowing
no thing needs fixing.

the glow on my brain is now
rythmically being thumped and
growing stronger.
thru tiny canals from brain to exterior
carry magical vibes 
and sync the superior
emitting from a device tho
strapped to my head
shakes the shit out my feets
jeezus these beets are orgasmic like sneezes
mega bass chompin skulls into fragments an peices
churns bodies of water
with currents and waves.
turns my body into water
like liquid drum and bass.

raptured like remedies of doctor ecstaticus
too much ecstacy in the air
need som breathin aparatus

so off with the skull candy
i float towards the door
right past the coffee and food
couldnt help but ignore
-i notice and smile at the irie blonde dreddy
ask her for a lighter!
-tho i have one already
she digs thru her bag
-i prop the door open..
She found her green lighter!!
-AND an invitation by motion

we stepped into space
the infinite ocean
burned offerings and donations
to other light in that ocean.
since i had the honors of 
sparkin the spliff,
in my thoughts i worshipped
the god of "what if".

i have nothing to dredd in life except my hair
knowlege bombs dropped by mammas
upon the caps of young chaps
sitting on their laps
but these tykes will grow
and will write the maps of tomorrow

(beat machine and a bottle of booz take 3)
beats like this get cash
cats like me get ass
ask me for a light
ter i spark a flame just like
her and i should grind 
nightly cuz daily was mainly
for grindin outside 
inthe world where we feel so so alive
and breathe in the seaweed
and scrub with saltwater
eat like a rich king
get chicks like his daughter

(random : negative to positive journal poem)
i feel shitty right now lots of shitty from the city
lots of pressure to consume
i step outside and immediately smell sweet perfume
of a girl who strolls by
head down
in a big rush
then a dude that is sellin and smellin like
fat bags da kine kush
see the keyword is sellin
i'll just stop it right there
cuz to some not ALWAY$$ having and spending can be
quite the scare!
no doubt
the way i live is the only way for me
for you
its something different
like i said
its The Way only for i.

diet? try it! na! ya??
get the bacon
the king is awakened
seize all the pigs
before they get big
the younger the meat,
"OY!" the king must rethink

Thursday, February 23, 2012

no more debt / tickets!!!!!!!


a poem i wrote this evenin

i'm distracted by the television show
wanting to see an outcome i wish in my own life
this causes one strife thru life decisions
we focus on let downs- the knife's first incision.
try, with precision, to make sense the situation
puts a box around thoughts made of sentences and language
giving rules and regulations to the natural way.
"im confused as fuck in the head, i'll just
think, do, and be like they say."
when the movie ends like you wished
you're now 'right' but you missed
all things could be learning
but you checked out a bit early
to show what you know- that you knew all along!
you dreamt all the words that were sang in that song!
"I'm not wrong!"

we desire and dream alike cuz we're all the same light.
comparing to a thought up world?
i feel, is far from right.
life is a world that we all make go round
your world is your world
feel taste smell see and sound
dont box yourself in
with no taste - based off 'sin'
live open and win

Monday, February 20, 2012


it feels good when it is good
what the fuck is this

aloha oy

give proportional amount, to the level of ''deservence'', to those.
HELICOPTAS really aint much fun
chillin trippin face tryin to soak some sun
@ the beach with my peach on a fuckin good one
low and behold from high in the sky
that loud stupid bird that kills (or heightens) highs
comes swoopin stoopily upon myselves  an the pretty
to snoop on a group, tho, what they need is I

the taste of bein free

cant not see the sun

run ins with pain

rest unneeded

my face with rain

i am

fuck anyone who brings hurt.
ditch em
leave em to look for you in yer kickd dirt
 clouds of smoke just dustin out these sad ass folk
pickin on me cuz they picky
is what i like to see an say bout this sleezy beezy
consider it to my face?
now you say ''goin with the flowin?''???!!!!!

i built expectations
move the fuck on.
eternally never again.

the goal is to miss nothing
mourn nothing
be all
see all
free see.

own a title?
be aware.
own I!